Member Resources

There is a number of resources which are available to our members to assist them with their journey in the Australian Air League. These are listed below for your reference.

Australian Air League Manual

The manual for the Australian Air League can be found online at

  • The username is your membership number (either Nxxxxx or Wxxxxx)
    • Please see the squadron staff if you need your membership number
  • The password is your Last Name in CAPITALS with your date of birth as 4 digits
    • For example, if your last name is Smith and you were born in 2010, your password would be SMITH2010

Squadron Accounts

The squadron operates an account system to make paying for weekly subs and other items easier. Parents are able to EFT fund for their child’s account. Please see the squadron staff for further details

Badge Placement

Confussed on where badges should be placed on the uniform. Well the following 2 files will help you.

The first file shows are badges are placed within the uniform, the second file shows which arm each badge belongs on.