Squdron Flying Day 1 – June 2023

On Sunday 19th June, the squadron held the first of two planned flying days for 2023 at Air Activities Centre Camden. We had 25 Cadets and 2 Officers undertake a Joy Flight, with our Education Officer Mr. Jogia as the pilot. Members also conducted Air Activities Ground Classes (with all members passing). We even had 1 member who didn’t want to go for a flight, end up deciding to give it a go, and absolutely enjoying their flight, and we couldn’t wipe the smile from his father’s face. For lunch our Warrant Officers put on the BBQ for the Cadets, Officers and Base staff, and the Cadets enjoyed some time running around and swinging from the tree.

We just want to thank everyone involved in helping make the day run smoothly, especially our parents for getting your Cadets there so early!