Squadron Flying Day 2022

On Sunday 1st May, the Squadron had its first successful Flying Day, after having missed out last year due to COVID.

All the Cadets were extremely excited when they arrived at Air Activities at Camden Airport, and were all eager to get on the plane, especially as the majority had never been in a small aircraft before.

Everyone was taken out to Apron to have a look at one of the planes. They were given a quick safety briefing about entering the ‘Air Side’. Mr. Fox showed the Cadets how the primary control flights worked, so that they would have a better understanding for their badge.

The Cadets happily organised themselves in groups of three and were all patiently doing education while waiting for their turn to get up in the sky.

The Pilots commented on how well behaved all Cadets were in the aircraft but were a little surprised at the few questions they received. We put this down to everyone enjoying the amazing view, and the smooth flight, which even resulted in a couple of our Cadets falling asleep!

Mr. Fox started organising the BBQ but was soon relieved of his duties by four of our Junior Cadets who took complete charge of the cooking and serving of the sausages. Well done boys!

We completed our education after lunch, and then sat our Air Activities Powered Class 4 Badge.