Celebrating Edmondson Park Squadrons First Anniversary

The date of Friday the 12th of March will live on forever in the history of Edmondson Park Squadron.

Tonight signified our first ever anniversary within the squadron. We have officially been open for 1 year and whilst this year has provided challenges that none of us could have ever expected, we as a Squadron have come together and united in our quest in ensuring that we make the best out of these times.

Whilst we started off our squadron mainly through online classes, we as officers have been immensely impressed with the cadets and there dedication to making sure that the squadron continues to thrive.

The cadets over this pass year has come leaps and bounds in regards to drill. A special thanks goes to Mr Sterrett trying for teaching the kids each week with drill. We have had kids achieve the DP badges which is an amazing achievement for the amount of time that we have been open. The cadets are currently learning diagrams and are keen to broaden their horizons.

Education has been a high point of focus for the squadron over the year. When we were forced to operate online, all the officers were able to provide online books to all the cadets so that they could get badges even without being at the squadron physically. Mr Jogia has spent countless hours making sure that Google Classroom had any document needed to help teach the cadets online. Since the squadron has re-opened, cadets have been flying throughout badges and we are happy to have two cadets currently completing their Diplomas and hoping to have more cadets to follow.

Physical Activities has had to take a back seat due to COVID-19 guidelines but cadets still love being able to unwind after education and drill with a fun game for all. Thanks goes to Mr Kelly for implementing COVID strategies and ensuring the cadets are safe when partaking in this games.

Thanks is also given to Mr Fox for help guiding our squadron as an adviser during these times. Mr Abernathy has allowed the squadron to run smoothly through his leadership and organisations throughout squadron nights. Thanks also to Mrs Finnegan for stepping into the role of an officer and for taking time out of her schedule to come and help the cadets and officers in anyway possible.

Us officers cannot be anymore prouder of how far the cadets have come since the first night and we cannot wait to see the development of the squadron over these next coming years.

Big thanks as well go to the parents for sticking with us throughout these times and allowing us to teach your children the ways of the Australian Air League.

Here’s to another year of growth.


Edmondson Park